Serving the UK & IE plastics industry


Serving the UK & IE plastics industry

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Statement

1. Introduction

Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) is a set of criteria used to measure and compare a company’s environmental, social and governance standards. It enables corporate social responsibility to be measured, reported, and compared, and makes corporate sustainability an integral and verifiable part of a company’s strategy. ESG helps to demonstrate the risks and opportunities that will impact a company’s ability to create long-term value.

We have always supported and invested in our employees and the communities within which we operate in a socially responsible way. However, as we continue to grow, the impact on our employees and communities will widen and deepen. It is therefore important that we fully understand the environmental, social and governance risks that may impact on, and opportunities that may benefit, our operations and future strategy.

This strategy will measure our impacts and set meaningful positive targets to which we will be held accountable.

Corporate responsibility is a journey rather than a destination and our ESG strategy will continue to expand, develop, and mature over time.

Sustainable Development Goals

2. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

As part of this commitment, we will seek to align our efforts to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDG”), helping the private sector, in its own small way, to make the biggest contribution to people and the planet. The 17 SDG are a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, by addressing the global challenges we all face, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. By aligning our strategy to these goals we can do our part and aim to contribute to all 17 goals where possible. We aim to contribute in some way to all of these goals, but will start with those that we will have the greatest impact over the short term.


3. Our ESG Strategy

Our ESG strategy will drive our socially responsible activities and underpin sustainable and responsible decision making, by:

  • Challenging everything we do;
  • Championing responsible and ethical behaviour;
  • Setting appropriate targets and metrics that match our ambitions
  • Engaging and empowering more employees in what we and they can do; and
  • Investing in regular reporting to keep ourselves

At present our strategy is structured into five focus areas aligned to the UNSDG:

Inclusion and Diversity (Goals 4, 5, 8 and 10)

Ensuring we have a culture of inclusion where everyone feels that they belong, and can develop and grow

Wellness (Goal 3)

Ensuring our employees are empowered to actively pursue activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of good mental and physical health

Charitable Giving (Goal 17)

Ensuring we give back to the communities within which we operate

Environmental (Goals 12 and 13)

Ensuring we reduce the environmental impact of our business

Governance (Goal 16)

Ensuring we have an appropriate and effective framework in place in relation to our leadership, Board and Committee oversight, shareholder rights and stakeholder interactions

In conclusion, we are working hard to ensure we have a safe, inclusive, and diverse working environment, to reduce our environmental impact as much as possible, continue to invest in and give back to our communities, and be a good neighbour.

4. Scope of this Statement

This is PHL’s first ESG Statement and was drafted in March 2024.

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